Why The Shema Prayer Of The Jews Is Death And Destruction For Gentiles

The letter Shin is the name of "god" in Hebrew; it's the Ha Shem in Hebrew: The Shin. This is where the name Shema comes from and why it's one of the most important names of YHVH, the Jewish Race, in the Torah.

In the Jewish Kabbalah, which is the decoded Torah, Moses defeats the forces of Amalek by holding his hands above his head, making the symbol of the Shin letter. This relates to one thing in Judaism, the Tefillin, which is the black box the Jews wear on their heads that contains the Shema prayer.

The secret symbol of the Shin letter in Kabbalah is the main Shin with the three prongs, which represent the upper world of the Kabbalah tree: the left side of the brain, Binah; the right side of the brain, Chokhmah; and the crown and optic thalamus, Keter. However, there is another Shin with four prongs, inverted and interlocking with the three-pronged Shin, facing downward. This forms the occult Shin, also known as the 'Second Shin,' representing the mysterious 23rd letter in Kabbalah. The four prongs stand for YHVH.

In Judaism, the Shema prayer is said by the Rabbis to bring about the Messiah and establish the Jewish world kingdom, in which the Gentiles—meaning 'nations' or races of mankind—will be destroyed by the Jewish race, turning the world into a Jewish-only realm. This is why the Shin letter in Judaism is the symbol of their "god" destroying the different Gentile nations in the Torah. Each Jew is supposed to receive 2,800 Gentile slaves if one calculates based on the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation, which represents the 12 tribes of Israel who follow the Jewish Messiah in destroying the nations of the world—'nations' literally referring to Gentiles. The figure of 2,800 per Jew works out to about 403 million Gentiles, a number that relates to the Georgia Guidestones' call to keep the global population under 500 million. This mysterious monument was put out by one of the Jewish-run Masonic organizations, which is a Kabbalistic Society. Note that this monument ties into the Jewish Bible.

The fundamental purpose of the Shema prayer, the most important statement of faith in Judaism, is to destroy the Gentiles and bring about the end of the Gentile world. Amalek in Hebrew is the occult word for Satan. The Jews call the Gentiles "Satan" in their sacred texts. However, Amalek refers especially to the WHITE RACE as the actual direct descendants of Satan. The God ENKI, whom the Sumerians also called Satan, was stated to be the creator of the "Ari," whom he created in his own image. Ari means "Aryan." The Sumerians are known to have been White with blue eyes. However, the Jews do hold the other races to be related to Satan as well.

The Shin with three prongs, as mentioned, relates to the three worlds that form the brain in Kabbalah, the seat of consciousness. However, the four prongs correspond to 'YHVH,' the thoughtform they created, which is represented by the Jewish Bible. They use the Shema to bring this thoughtform down into the material realm through the astral plane, connecting and channeling it into their consciousness. This allows the individual Jewish mind to connect to the greater mind or program of the thoughtform, making each Jew a conduit for this power to manifest. This also relates to bringing energy down from Keter, the realm of 'God'—the astral or ether, where this energy is generated—into Malkuth, the physical realm, which means 'The Kingdom.' This refers to the Kingdom of the Jews they seek to build on Earth. The Tefillin is the symbol of Malkuth.

The three prongs of the Shin relate to Avir, the Ether, Shekinah, the vibration created by speaking the Torah, and the Elohim, which is the manifestation of this vibration, the consciousness field it generates in the astral.

The Shema is how this is materalized into the physical realm, the Malkuth, hence the four prongs as well. YHVH relates to the four elements of creation that form the symbol of earth, the cube of square. The YHVH is also the symbol of the Torah. The Shema materializes the entire spell of the Torah. The 23rd letter, represented by the second Shin, corresponds to the five elements (2+3=5): Sh (fire), E (ether), M (water), and A (air). This symbolism relates to bringing the astral realm—the ether—into the physical world, allowing the four elements to fully manifest from the ether or astral plane to Malkuth, the physical world.

The Shema RTR is the major Key to defeating the Jewish race totally and forever. The Shema RTR is to be done daily. The Shema RTR is the major Key to saving your own life and the lives of the Gentiles from being destroyed. The Jewish Bible this Shema materializes is one large death curse on all Gentiles, which is why the Greek and Roman rulers ordered the Jewish Torah burned and banned it from being recited by the Jews. They were adepts in the Pagan religions and knew what this book of the Jews is.

Thanks to Satan and the Gods, the power to stop this is now in your hands. The Rabbis warned in their Kabbalah that Satan would destroy the Jews by REVERSING the Torah. The RTRs were given to us by Satan and the Gods. Satan is also code for Gentiles, which means the Gentiles will destroy them by reversing the Torah.

  1. Did Moses Exist? - D.M. Murdock
  2. Wiki
  3. The Wisdom In The Hebrew Alphabet, Rabbi Munk
  4. The Greek Kabbalah