The End Days and the "Messiah"

Judaism teaches the Rabbis that there are two Messiahs. One is the earthly Messiah, the son of Joseph, who is to be a living sacrifice, whose death will pave the way for the second, heavenly Messiah, who is the son of David, to descend and bring about the Messianic Empire of the Jews, the purpose of the Jewish religion.

The Rabbis mention in their writings that the Heavenly is the astral realm and the Earthly is the physical realm. This is the heart of the truth of why Christianity was created by the occult adepts of the Rabbinical class of the Jews. The character of Jesus—Yeshua Bar Joseph—is both the son of Joseph, who even lives in Egypt for a time, and is also from the line of David.

The Jewish Messianic mission is fulfilled within the program of Christianity. Jesus is created as the earthly Jewish Messiah who is sacrificed and who shall return as the Heavenly Messiah with Heavenly Jerusalem.

The purpose of the character of Jesus is to establish a global religious program that sets the stage for the arrival of the Messianic Age. This is achieved by having billions of Gentiles pour their spiritual and psychic energies into it, becoming imprinted within their souls and acting as physical conduits. This allows them, even unconsciously, to bring this thoughtform from the astral into the physical world and work to manifest it. Century after century, this is going to have the desired effect.

The Second Coming of Christ is stated to be the descent of the Ruach, the "holy spirit," into the world. The Ruach in Rabbinical texts is the energy generated by the speaking of the mantra of the Torah, the entire book of which is stated to be one long name of their god. The Jewish God is a thoughtform generated by the Jewish spell of the Torah. In Jewish texts, this God even appears in the form of the 22 Hebrew letters that make up the Torah and only speaks from behind the Pargod, a curtain composed of the 22 letters. This god also appears to Moses in the burning bush as the 22 letters, and Moses writes the Torah. The entire Torah is written with the 22 Hebrew letters. The mystical Jewish texts state Shekinah created Elohim, or Yahweh, the Jewish God because Shekinah is the energy of the Hebrew letters when vibrated to create. The Jewish God is nothing but an energy form created on the astral by the speaking of the Hebrew letters as mantras in specific combinations that cause things to occur. The highest occult teaching in Kabbalah is the knowledge of the creation by the 22 letters; it is only allowed to be taught to no more than two Rabbis at once and only orally. The New Testament is designed to connect into the Torah as it channels the energies into the Jewish god form.

Jesus is the Jewish thoughtform. His proper Hebrew name Yashua means Yah, a name of Yahweh, Shu, which is a word for fire, the fire of Yahweh. Fire is the symbol of the destruction of the Gentiles by Yahweh in the Torah. The Shin letter in Kabbalah is fire and the letter of Yahweh's destruction. In Hebrew, vowels are interchangeable in words. Shu becomes Shi or Shin, which spells out Ya Shin... Yod Shin. The letter of their God, the tenth Yod and the Shin... It's a name of Yahweh. This is why Jesus is shown symbolically in Luke as the staff of Moses that has engraved upon it the name of YHVH. It's also the symbol of the 22 letters.

The descent of the Heavenly Messiah and Heavenly Jerusalem in the Jewish texts is when the god form is strong enough to fully manifest and descend from the astral into the material fully and bring about the manifestation of the program into reality. Part of this is the war of Gog and Magog, the Messianic war in which the 11 kingdoms of the Gentiles will be destroyed by "God," which is a code word for the Jews. 11 in Judaism is the number of the angel of destruction and death. Hence the 11 Gentile Kingdoms mean the total extermination of non-Jewish Peoples and their nations.

All the supernatural descriptions of the Age of the Messiah are just symbolism for the astral energies of this god form descending into the material. The eternal life given is the eternal control the Jews will have over the planet in this empire. The symbol of the descent of the golden cube of Heavenly Jerusalem is the Kabbalistic cube, which is the symbol of the 22 Hebrew letters, the god form of the Jews in Kabbalah. These texts are stated by the Jews to be written in symbolic language as they have occult meanings.

The Jews state the resurrection the Messiah must accomplish is the resurrection of the Jewish Race, bringing them together and to full control of the world. The Jews also mention the Messiah is a Jewish leader who is nothing but a conduit for this thoughtform, a mere channel, stating this "soul" will descend into a Jewish body.

The Jews in the Torah also refer to Abraham creating souls; this is bringing Gentiles into this program. The energy of the Jewish program has the ability to alter the structure of the energies of the souls of Gentiles who are deeply into this over several lifetimes. This is the reason hardcore Christians really do behave like something from Invasion of the Body Snatchers... The Hindu texts mention this reality of the imprinting of the groove into the souls, or Samkaras, is done energetically through rituals and such over lifetimes, and this can cause a permanent alteration in the soul. For the Gentiles, they become a channel for this Jewish god form to descend through into the material.

This theme is repeated in the Torah, where Abraham goes from Abram to Abraham because Yahweh infused him with his own breath, which is the Ruach, or spiritual energy, and for this they add the letter Heh, the breath of Yahweh, so he becomes Abraham. He is transformed by the Ruach, the energy of the Jewish God form, into a Jewish soul, or Golem, which is what the Torah states about Adam; he was also a Golem that Yahweh breathed life into.

The Golem in Rabbinical tradition is the symbol of the Jews creating a thoughtform and then commanding it. The Golem is always made from the four elements, which in Kabbalah is YHVH, which is why the Golem has YHVH written upon it. The four letters YHVH in Kabbalah are the four elements. The Rabbi puts the energy into the Golem and then commands it.

This is why their god is called YHVH. It's a thought form.

Another way this is shown is with the Angels, who are openly shown to be thoughtforms in Kabbalah that are created and invoked by Rabbis who know their names and formulas. The tale of Metatron is the creation of an Angel by "God," the code word for the Rabbis, and this Angel is called YHVH and serves the commands of "God," meaning the Rabbis in heaven, i.e., the astral. Metatron is shown to be their God, YHVH, who serves the bigger God, which is the Rabbis. In Judaism, the Jewish God is openly shown to be a thoughtform the Rabbis created and command.

  1. Tree Of Souls, Schwartz
  2. Idiots Guide To Hinduism, Johnsen