The Ark Of The Covenant The Jewish Curses On Gentiles

The concept of the Ark was stolen from the Egyptians. In Egypt, the Ark of Amun is depicted as the spine, with the seven chakras represented by a row of seven men. At the area of the heart chakra, there is a twin figure of Isis with spread wings facing each other, symbolizing the heart chakra as the meeting point of the upper and lower chakras at the chest. [1] The Ark of Amun is in the shape of a boat.

In Judaism, the Ark is just a symbol of the Torah that was stolen and corrupted from Egyptian symbolism for a reason. In Judaism, they have the Torah Ark, in which they place the Torah after they read from it in the Synagogue. This is what the Ark of the Covenant actually is. This Torah Ark is called the "Holy Ark":

"Holy Ark. This name is a reference to the ’ārōn haqqōdeš, the Hebrew name for the Ark of the Covenant that was stored in the Holy of Holies in the inner sanctuary of both the ancient Tabernacle and the Temple in Jerusalem. Similarly, Hekhál, also written hechal, echal, or heichal—and sometimes also Echal Kodesh (mainly among Balkan Sephardim)—comes from Hebrew [hēkhāl] ‘palace’, was used in the same time period to refer to the inner sanctuary. The hekhal contained the Menorah, Altar of Incense, and Table of the Showbread." [2]

The purpose of the Torah is to use the 22 Hebrew letters to generate a highly charged energy field of negativity to bind the Gentile Soul and bring about the destruction of the Gentile world. In the Torah, the Jews use this Ark as a weapon to destroy the Gentile nations they war on. It's openly stated to be a weapon. This is why the Greek and Roman rulers banned the Torah and banned it from being read. The Jews call their 22 Hebrew letters the 22 names of their "god."

The reason the Jews stole the image of the Ark of Amun was to create a corrupted and shortened version for their own Ark to attack and bind the Gentile soul. Every curse on the Gentiles is done by the 22 Hebrew letters. Even the corruption of the symbol of the Egyptian Ark to create this Jewish trash is a form of cursing Gentiles using Kabbalistic Talismanic magic, which is the purpose of corrupting the image. The Jewish Ark is purposely made to be in the shape of the cube, which ties into their energy.

  1. Did Moses Exist? - D.M. Murdock
  2. Wiki