Passover Exposed

The Jewish ritual of Passover is a Kabbalistic ritual that ties into the energies of the occult new year that occurs between March and April, in which occult workings are put into motion for the year.

The Jewish Passover is based on when the Jewish "god" murdered the firstborn, Gentile children of Egypt, including the child of the Pharaoh. This is also the time the Christians celebrate Easter. During the Passover, the Jews conduct their ritual murders of Gentile children. The child is ritually murdered in a mockup of the Christian ritual murder of Jesus at Easter. This is done to create a sympathetic connection to the Christian ritual, which is nothing more than the mock version of the Jewish ritual murders. The Jews drain the blood of the child into cups and either drink it or bake the blood into the Matzo bread. The Christian communion ritual is based on this ritual. The energies of the mock ritual murder the Christians engage in and the Jewish ritual murders connect on the astral and give more energy to the ritual. This is called sympathetic magic in Kabbalah.

When one understands that in esoteric texts, the energy of specific chakras is used to manifest workings in the world, corresponding to the energies of those chakras, this becomes the key to understanding Passover. The ritual of Passover is a mass ritual working in which the entire Jewish racial soul is collectively used to manifest the aim of the ritual into the world. The Jewish racial soul and the individual Jewish soul all at once is called "god" in the Kabbalah texts; the ten sefirot, or worlds, of their Kabbalah tree is the map of their soul, and this tree, the different worlds, and the 22 letters it makes up is "god." Even YHVH, the name of their "god," is how the ten worlds are divided into elemental sections on the tree. It's the Jewish soul and nothing more. This is made explicitly obvious, openly in the Kabbalah. In Kabbalah, "god" creates the world by the ten sefirot, which are the collective energies of the Jewish individual and collective racial soul, which included the 22 Hebrew letters.

In the Kabbalistic texts, the actual details of what and why this is done at Passover are revealed. The Passover is based on directing the energies of the Ain Soph or Kether down through the worlds of Binah and Chochmah, the three upper worlds, into what is called the seven lower worlds, the Sefirot.

The ten worlds are the map of the Jewish soul, both individually and collectively. The thoughtform of the Jews, or YHVH, is nothing but the energy projection of the collective and individual Jewish soul. Keter or Ain Soph is also called the Shekinah or the "Holy Spirit." It's the 22 Hebrew letters. Why? Because if one studies the practical Kabbalah, the Jewish soul template, the vibrational template that forms the Jewish soul across the different levels of manifestation is the 22 letters and ten worlds.

The ritual Seders of Passover is based on ten ritual items, each one relating to the directing of energy into one of the worlds. The cups of wine used and the Matzo balls relate to the direction of energies.

The cup of wine in which the blood is placed is the world of Binah, and the Matzo with the blood baked in is the world of Chochmah. The Keter is the astral template of the Jewish soul that divides into the two halves of the Jewish soul, the male and female aspects of the worlds of their chakras/energy centers. The Kabbalah states that the life force is in the blood; the energy of the soul is in the blood, which is why the Jews drink the blood; it's taking in the life force of the victim to add more power into the ritual directly by raising their own energy levels. The astral energies released by the torture and murder of the victims are directed into the mass ritual as well.

The energies of the ritual murders of Passover are directed into the collective Jewish soul through the plane of Keter, the astral template that connects to the entire Jewish soul and all its chakras. From this connection, the energies flow into the masculine and feminine aspects and energy centers of the Jewish soul, passing through all the energy centers of every Jewish person during the Seders. The entire Passover Seder is designed to connect to the energies of the ritual murders through sympathetic connection, the chanting of Kabbalistic formulas in Hebrew, and the drinking of wine and eating of Matzo bread. From here, the collective energy of the properties of all ten worlds, infused with the energies raised in the ritual, projects the full force of the entire Jewish soul outward. This connects with the Christian ritual of Easter, becoming infused with the energy of millions of Christian dupes, and is then manifested into the world.

The aim of using the collective energies of all ten energy or consciousness centers of the Jewish racial soul for this mass working is made clear in the Kabbalah:

Five manifestations for the male worlds or chakras and five manifestations for the female worlds or chakras. The five of the male chakras are directed into cursing the Gentiles, and the five of the female chakras are for blessing the Jewish race. This relates to the concepts of severity and mercy in the Kabbalah. It's just a code for using the energy of the Jewish soul centers for different workings. The Kabbalah shows how to use them individually, in smaller groups, or, in the case of Passover, all at once.

What this ritual also reveals is that the purpose of Christianity is to act as a conduit for Jewish rituals to manifest into the world, with and through each Christian, as they are connected to the 'Holy Spirit' or Shekinah, the energy of the Jewish race soul [YHVH]. In the occult, it's known that one can direct energy into a person; this is called "Pranam" in Hinduism. The energy of Christian worship is directed into the Jewish racial soul, collectively infusing the Jewish race with major spiritual power and connecting Christians to the projected thoughtform of the Jewish racial soul on the astral plane. Through this connection, Christians act as conduits for the rituals of the Jews to manifest into the physical world.

The ritual of Yom Kippur, if one studies Rabbinical and Kabbalistic adepts, is designed to transfer the negative energy accumulated by the Jewish race on their soul from Passover and similar murderous rituals, and redirect it onto the Gentiles spiritually, further cursing them to destruction for the benefit of the Jewish race. By transferring the negative karmic energy of the Jewish actions onto the Goyim, the Goyim pay for the Jewish evil committed against them. The concept of Christianity is what allows this to be successful. It's based on the transfer of negative energy from the guilty onto the innocent; this creates a sympathetic connection in the mass mind of the Gentile victims. The Christians are taught to be guilty and ashamed all the time and that they deserve to be punished. This creates the open window in their minds to connect with the curses of the Jews, TOTALLY. The Christian Gentile's soul being connected astrally into the Jewish racial soul creates the link for all this to connect and the Jews to damn them.

The removal of all spiritual knowledge and the total destruction of history by the Jewish program of Christianity. Leaves the Gentiles as helpless victims to all of the evil of the Jewish racial program.